by ninjacowgirl » Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:12 pm
Solid. The only thing is that the branding might be confusing; but I'm sure the administration can handle a little bit of logo differentiation.
Also, starting a "new" message board essentially from scratch is no easy task, especially in this era. But SHU, STMB, CAH, all the big catch-all boards from the old era are all dead. I think the success of it would depend on what kind of support we had within the Seton community. What would be super swell would be if BOL could amoeba absorb the Seton Alumni Board. The only active Seton highschool boards of any consequence I know of (besides Seton Alumni) are SWC and DPA, and DPA has an incredibly lame and clunky forum script.
Also, I still have mild involvement with the administration of the Seton Writers' Club. They are interested in keeping it primarily writing focused, so if they get folks interested in spamming but not writing, they could potentially deny them membership and send them here. One of SWC's problems is that its purpose used to be more clearly delineated since there were boards like SHU, etc. to take care of the social aspect, but now that those are dead people come to us to chat. Sending people to BOL isn't something I've run by the current admins though; it's just a thought. I'm not really sure how much there'd be a conflict of interest for them in promoting BOL though as, to the best of my knowledge, SWC is about to launch a campaign to recruit more (writing) members and purchase IPB.
But as I said, without current Setoners to spear-head it, no easy task. Unless someone like Draper were to help.