The Future of BoL

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How will BoL continue?

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Total votes : 25

Re: The Future of BoL

Postby ninjacowgirl » Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:48 pm

The problem with having things how it was before as a fun mixed place for all ages is that it was that way and it died. A slow and painful death. I watched it for awhile, and then left because the whole dying thing was taking too long. The reason the creation of two separate demographics is being proposed is because the old way seemingly didn't work anymore.

I think Draper makes a good point, which seems to have been overlooked, that in the active days when he was a member, 17 was the higher end of the population. So, actually, this sort of older demographic is reflective of the current, older state of BOL, and not really the board in its peak.

I also think Eric's argument regarding young adult vs. youth groups is very valid.
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby MichaelaAnn » Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:01 pm

Madeline wrote: "The problem with having things how it was before as a fun mixed place for all ages is that it was that way and it died. A slow and painful death. I watched it for awhile, and then left because the whole dying thing was taking too long. The reason the creation of two separate demographics is being proposed is because the old way seemingly didn't work anymore."

I would theorize that it died because there was no longer a steady flow of new members coming in. Which is why there are only veteran members now. I could be wrong though.

I dunno. I can't think of any other ideas as far as what to do with this whole thing. If you guys need recruits I'm more than happy to help there though.
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby Izod Foldger » Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:08 pm

Sure. I'm all for recruits. So start recruiting if you like. ;)

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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby Mia » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:28 pm

I feel like BOL's admins and members(myself included) are clinging to the past, the way it used to be in it's hay day, instead of looking towards it's future. If we want BOL to flourish it is going to take a fresh outlook and some dedication. It wont be easy since the admins and majority of loyal members are now grown up with jobs and responsibilities.
I think there needs to be "new blood" in charge. Someone who has time in their schedule to recruit members, update the site, promoting forums, moderating posts, and put some passion and life back into the site. Passion is what is needed here. I'm sorry to say, but this site is lacking it BIG TIME! Someone who is willing to devote all their time advertising BOL on other catholic sites and getting the site "" out there. It's not me, I have 3 kids and a job, but if you can find this person there might be hope for BOL. Maybe that is what you should focus on, interviewing and recruiting a new admin.
It wouldn't hurt to archive some more old posts and update the layout a little. How many years has BOL gone unchanged? It needs a makeover.
Ps. Sorry if I sound harsh, I'm not trying to be. I'm just saying what I think needs to be done. :)
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby Hamham » Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:01 am

I'm new but I'm lovin' this place. O - O
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby Discomax2000 » Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:08 am

Ah, BOL!
I remember when i came here for the first time when I was 13!
I still check in every 2 years or so. Just goes to show the impact it had on me....I'd hate to see the group die.
Anyways, I think a facebook group is a way to go, as much as I'd hate to say it! forums just don't appeal to the masses like they used to.
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby Izod Foldger » Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:44 pm

I'm not on Facebook...

And again I say unto you, it is easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle, than for a camel to enter into the kingdom of God.
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Re: The Future of BoL

Postby pyrite » Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:54 pm

Today is Feb 24th 2015, and I've just now seen this topic.
Voted anyway. :pyrite:
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