Miranda wrote:Rules, Regulations, and Assorted Information
These rules apply to #seton, BOL's official IRC chat.
1. Anything that is Anti-Christian in nature will not be tolerated.
A charitable debate may, at the complete discretion of BoredOnline's chat operators, supersede this rule. However, it is important to remember that this is a Christian Homeschooling Community. Any mockery of, insults toward, or intolerance to any topic pertaining to God or Christianity will not be tolerated. In addition, while this site is not explicitly Catholic, members are expected to be respectful of the Catholic faith -- as this site is maintained by Catholics. The same is expected of any Catholic members here towards their friends who may belong to another denomination.
2. Profanity is not tolerated.
No swear words, curse words, foul language of any kind, abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language is permitted in the chat. It is your responsibility to check your vulgar vocabulary at the door.
3. BoredOnline members are expected to act in a Christian and moral manner.
This includes, but is not limited to, "adult or mature" discussion material, off-color jokes, improper images, disgusting or otherwise offensive posts.
Please remember that this is a chat for all age groups and try to keep the conversations modest and appropriate for all. In addition, complaints to operators from chat users of offensive language may result in a warning. More aggressive measures may be taken for additional complaints on any certain person.
4. Maintain a spirit of charity.
Always be polite and respectful towards your fellow members! Flames, gossip, and deliberately spiteful or mean comments about any BoredOnline member will not be tolerated.
5. Private messages are rightly called "private".
Please refrain from posting any private message (from the site or within IRC) in the chat without prior approval from the sender of the message. Messages are logged to insure user security.
6. Excessive Spam is not allowed.
Spam in the chat is a given, but repeated lines of text in a short amount of time is against the rules. Spam in the BOL chat differs from Spam in the forums in that you will not be kicked for things that are pointless, necessarily. Rather, multiple lines of the same text is spamming in IRC.
7. Arguing with the chat operators will not be tolerated.
Our chat operators are chosen with alot in mind. They are chosen for their public display of morals, values, and ability to not play favorites. They are given a certain amount of authority in the chat accordingly and are relied upon to keep the chat clean and well-kept for all our users. Arguing with the operators demeans their authority in the eyes of other users and keeps them from being able to do their job. Respect them, they've earned it. If you think you have been kicked, warned, or banned unfairly, please email the chat admins at chatinfo[at]gmail.com
8. BoredOnline is a community designed for use by Home Schooling Youth or Home Schooling Graduates.
This site has been built for Home Schooling youth who wish to communicate with each other online. While the administration allows exceptions to the rule (friends of other home schoolers, private & public schooled students who share similar interests, etc), the administration reserves the right to suspend the accounts of those who are not home schoolers and who share a blatantly different moral and ethical foundation
9. BoredOnline Cannot be Held Responsible for Content Outside of the Site.
Though we do monitor and try to ensure the acceptability of all content posted on this site or in the chat, we cannot vouch for external sites linked to from the chat, user profiles, signatures, etc.
10. Channel Advertisements are not allowed in #seton.
Please refrain from telling people to join a different channel from the BOL chatroom. This includes "type /join #mychannel" or anything with a channel name in it. This rule is to protect the less IRC-savvy users. Most people don't realise that the BOL chat is on a network of chats that deal with many different topics. Drawing users out of the BOL chat may be dangerous, as they believe they can trust anything that's attached to BOL, while there is no way to protect them (younger users in particular) if they leave the channel.
11. Clones (that is, one person in the chat as two names talking at one time) are not allowed.
This is very confusing for some people, and especially hard on the ops who have to keep track of what's going on and who says what. Also, it's considered being purposefully misleading. Therefore, one of your usernames will be kicked.
12. Please no using leet speak, or speaking in other languages, to avoid confusion.
13. Do not use a username which is not yours. This includes using 'Anon' or 'Anonymous,' or random words or letters.
[b]Other information: The Chat Operators are instructed to use their abilities at their own discretion. They choose, according to their interpretation of the aforementioned rules, whether or not a rule has been broken. This does not mean that they can use their abilities to play favorites, and all bans, kicks, etc are reviewed by the Administration of the Chat. The consequences of broken rules are as follows: First offense = a warning, second offense = kick (except in the case of an out of control conversation - for example, an argument that gets out of hand - in which case, the user(s) may be temporarily banned). Third offense = permanent ban.
By entering the chat, you agree to the above terms and conditions.
Revised June, 21st 2008
If you have any questions about the BOL Chat in general or any of the rules and policies there, AndAy is the one to talk to.