black_rose wrote:*dies*
Can you say pathetic?

Moderator: Borederators
The Medjai Jeff wrote:All things considered, there's something to be said for skeptical, grouchy, unhindered, pipe-smoking masculinity.
Aravis wrote:Aussie accents are SO dang cool.
Asher wrote:what is this 10 o clock rule?
AngelBaby wrote:Do you have to be a member,etc to get into the chat room...when its running?
Aravis wrote:Aussie accents are SO dang cool.
The Medjai Jeff wrote:All things considered, there's something to be said for skeptical, grouchy, unhindered, pipe-smoking masculinity.
The Medjai Jeff wrote:All things considered, there's something to be said for skeptical, grouchy, unhindered, pipe-smoking masculinity.
1cuteJellybean wrote:Thanks, O Powerful Chat Master.
The Medjai Jeff wrote:All things considered, there's something to be said for skeptical, grouchy, unhindered, pipe-smoking masculinity.
1cuteJellybean wrote:Does the chat have special "Easter hours" today?
The Medjai Jeff wrote:All things considered, there's something to be said for skeptical, grouchy, unhindered, pipe-smoking masculinity.
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