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Postby AndAy » Sun May 20, 2007 10:00 pm

You don't have to 'pretend' anything, you just have to restrict that subject to the correct forum, and simply respect this faith.
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Postby Avrilyn » Sun May 20, 2007 10:47 pm

Draper, I think you made a wise and prudent call. I commend you.

my bad... multiple things in my mind but still, I would rather be banned than be forbidden to stand up for what I believe in.

Just stand for it in the Apologetics forum. The only restriction is where the discussions will take place.

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Postby Asher » Sun May 20, 2007 10:55 pm

it's hard to debate with those that agree with you :P
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Postby Aravis » Sun May 20, 2007 11:02 pm

Asher, you know I love you, but it's kind of insulting what you're saying. You're implying that somehow those of us who are not sedevacantists are not real Catholics. Who cares what the "official stance of BOL" is on the subject. I for one come to this board for the fun of it and the friendships. Not because most of the people here agree that Benedict XVI is the pope.
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Postby Sarah » Sun May 20, 2007 11:06 pm

common belief in religion comes into friendships as well, you know...
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Postby Asher » Sun May 20, 2007 11:14 pm

I never once said those who aren't aren't. I asked Joe questions. I said "what 'I' believe in"
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Postby Aravis » Mon May 21, 2007 12:20 am

Well, that was just the impression I was getting. I didn't think you really meant that, which is why I was telling you it was coming across that way. But seriously. We don't get everything in life our own way. I don't see why it's that big a deal. The only place where sedevacantism comes up anyways is in the debate forums, so who cares if now there's a rule that it's restricted to that? It's not like anyone's shunning sedevacantists or saying they can't express what they think.
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Postby break*away » Mon May 21, 2007 9:44 am

Aravis wrote:Well, that was just the impression I was getting. I didn't think you really meant that, which is why I was telling you it was coming across that way. But seriously. We don't get everything in life our own way. I don't see why it's that big a deal. The only place where sedevacantism comes up anyways is in the debate forums, so who cares if now there's a rule that it's restricted to that? It's not like anyone's shunning sedevacantists or saying they can't express what they think.

Ditto. I totally agree.
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Postby Asher » Mon May 21, 2007 9:58 am

I'm just saying that it hurts me and the few that believe in it, that we can't openly express what it is we believe when we want. instead we get a small monkey cage and are occassionally fed bananas. but yeah, we kind of are being shunned. when they say that all talk about sede (meaning talk FOR our beliefs) is banned. and part of our strong beliefs is that the pope isn't the pope. and that is banned.
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Postby AndAy » Mon May 21, 2007 10:11 am

Asher wrote:I'm just saying that it hurts me and the few that believe in it, that we can't openly express what it is we believe when we want. instead we get a small monkey cage and are occassionally fed bananas. but yeah, we kind of are being shunned. when they say that all talk about sede (meaning talk FOR our beliefs) is banned. and part of our strong beliefs is that the pope isn't the pope. and that is banned.

Correct, it is banned, but only in certain forums, it's not like you utter one word of this and we'll kill your account or anything. It just means you can't go around to every forum saying we'll all be damned or whatnot. It's not like we really discuss religion to this point on any other forum but the debate forum, and now we have a special one for this subject.
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Postby Asher » Mon May 21, 2007 10:15 am

the point is, it's only been in one forum this whole time, and NOW it's getting harsh attention. I've never seen a person go on any other place and say you are all damned. and the forum you gave us is said for those who believe in the sede beliefs... how is that a debate forum, if those who enter all already believe in it?
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Postby Sarah » Mon May 21, 2007 10:46 am

No wonder that forum hasn't gotten any posts. There is only a small handful of sedes here and what would we talk about? We can't debate with each other, since we all believe the same thing. And I've seen non-sedes come closer to alluring that sedes are not Catholic and are going to hell than sedes saying such things to non-sedes.
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Postby Draper » Mon May 21, 2007 12:57 pm

You seem to have the misconception that the Apologetics forum is only for sedevacantist members, Asher. No, anyone can post there and participate in sedevacantist discussions.
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Postby Asher » Mon May 21, 2007 3:17 pm

I know it's for more. but what I'm saying is, the Sede's would be pretty much the only ones going in.
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Postby dragonfly » Mon May 21, 2007 3:28 pm

Have you ever known BOLers to abstain from debating? :P Really, giving the debate its own forum isn't going to change anything.
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Postby Theophilus » Mon May 21, 2007 3:57 pm

Asher wrote:I know it's for more. but what I'm saying is, the Sede's would be pretty much the only ones going in.

I don't think so. The Catholicism forum would only house topics relating to the Church under Benedict XVI. The Apologetics forum would host all other religious debates, including sedevacantism, Protestantism, agnosticism, what-have-you. The religious debates forum was actually pretty active in Ye Olde Days of BOL.
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Postby mrs. schroeder » Mon May 21, 2007 4:28 pm

Finally. The forum had gotten pretty freaking ridiculous.

Oh, and I've said it before and will say it again. Sede's aren't Catholic. This has no effect on whether or not I have anything against a sede or not, since most of my friends are not Catholic. But it doesn't make sense to decide to not believe in an extremely important teaching of the Church, and then to be upset because that doesn't leave you inside the Catholic group.
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Postby Sarah » Mon May 21, 2007 4:31 pm

future mrs. schroeder wrote:Finally. The forum had gotten pretty freaking ridiculous.

Oh, and I've said it before and will say it again. Sede's aren't Catholic. This has no effect on whether or not I have anything against a sede or not, since most of my friends are not Catholic. But it doesn't make sense to decide to not believe in an extremely important teaching of the Church, and then to be upset because that doesn't leave you inside the Catholic group.

Now who's being bias? The sedes or non-sedes?
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Postby Asher » Mon May 21, 2007 4:38 pm

It's not my place, or is it yours, to say who's Catholic and who's not. no matter the personal beliefs. it's just a holier than thou attitude. and for what it's worth, I'm not changing anything, I'm just continuing.
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Postby mrs. schroeder » Mon May 21, 2007 4:39 pm

day_dreamer0221 wrote:
future mrs. schroeder wrote:Finally. The forum had gotten pretty freaking ridiculous.

Oh, and I've said it before and will say it again. Sede's aren't Catholic. This has no effect on whether or not I have anything against a sede or not, since most of my friends are not Catholic. But it doesn't make sense to decide to not believe in an extremely important teaching of the Church, and then to be upset because that doesn't leave you inside the Catholic group.

Now who's being bias? The sedes or non-sedes?

this is not about bias, chickadee. Catholicism is not a democracy. It has specific teachings, and you can't just decide to change the rules and still be Catholic. There is a specific box, and if you step outside it, you have to accept the consequences.
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Postby mrs. schroeder » Mon May 21, 2007 4:41 pm

Asher wrote:It's not my place, or is it yours, to say who's Catholic and who's not. no matter the personal beliefs. it's just a holier than thou attitude. and for what it's worth, I'm not changing anything, I'm just continuing.

I'm not saying who is Catholic and who is not. I don't have to. The rules say.

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Postby hungryman287 » Mon May 21, 2007 5:03 pm

Perhaps a good debate to start off in the new forum, this is not the place to have such debate as this is an announcement.
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Postby dragonfly » Mon May 21, 2007 5:09 pm

I think this thread just proves that the apologetics forum will definitely be used. This thread isn't supposed to be a debate, take it where it goes. :P
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Postby Asher » Mon May 21, 2007 5:52 pm

future mrs. schroeder wrote:
day_dreamer0221 wrote:
future mrs. schroeder wrote:Finally. The forum had gotten pretty freaking ridiculous.

Oh, and I've said it before and will say it again. Sede's aren't Catholic. This has no effect on whether or not I have anything against a sede or not, since most of my friends are not Catholic. But it doesn't make sense to decide to not believe in an extremely important teaching of the Church, and then to be upset because that doesn't leave you inside the Catholic group.

Now who's being bias? The sedes or non-sedes?

this is not about bias, chickadee. Catholicism is not a democracy. It has specific teachings, and you can't just decide to change the rules and still be Catholic. There is a specific box, and if you step outside it, you have to accept the consequences.

hence the reason we believe what we do. Now, like they said, this is not the place for such debate :P
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Postby Sarah » Mon May 21, 2007 7:47 pm

Asher wrote:
future mrs. schroeder wrote:
day_dreamer0221 wrote:
future mrs. schroeder wrote:Finally. The forum had gotten pretty freaking ridiculous.

Oh, and I've said it before and will say it again. Sede's aren't Catholic. This has no effect on whether or not I have anything against a sede or not, since most of my friends are not Catholic. But it doesn't make sense to decide to not believe in an extremely important teaching of the Church, and then to be upset because that doesn't leave you inside the Catholic group.

Now who's being bias? The sedes or non-sedes?

this is not about bias, chickadee. Catholicism is not a democracy. It has specific teachings, and you can't just decide to change the rules and still be Catholic. There is a specific box, and if you step outside it, you have to accept the consequences.

hence the reason we believe what we do. Now, like they said, this is not the place for such debate :P

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